Pass Your Bar Exam offers tutoring in all areas of the Bar examination!
From the MBE, the MPT, and UBE MEE essays in various states such as NY, NJ, MA, CT, AZ and CO to state specific essays such as in PA, FLA, or TX, Pass Your Bar Exam tutors are familiar with every aspect of the examination and more importantly, what the graders of the exam are looking for when they are grading your essays or your MPTs.
How is this information conveyed to you? By teaching the proper substantive and procedural tips and techniques which will allow you to draft well written and well structured essays and MPTs. A custom schedule is created for you, based upon your individual needs and schedule.

Multistate Bar Examination (MBE)
Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) or State specific essays.
Multistate Performance Test (MPT)
Substance AND Procedure
• Individualized analysis of your strongest and weakest areas of law in all seven MBE topics.
•Progress reports reviewed with you weekly, emphasizing which areas of a particular legal topic you should focus on during weekend review sessions to maximize MBE points in that legal area. This is based largely on your individual weakest performing section(s).
• Graphical visualizations demonstrating proper answer choices among all of the seven subjects tested.
• Probability & Statistics of question types and answer choices discussed, reviewed, and memorized.
• Initial sessions based on the stylistic approach that you as an individual writer employs, as well as condensing the material into a concise, and well rounded essay.
•Teaching an approach to best answer any potential bar examination question with the emphasis on using this approach for every essay written thereafter.
• Issue spotting, IRAC / CRAC, proper conclusory paragraphs, and legal "buzzwording" are all taught.
• A tried and tested methodology to approach timing is also introduced, ensuring that you do not panic when drafting an essay. Time management is crucial!
• Generally 20% of your overall exam grade.
• Our goal is for you to score enough points to "bank" additional points for other, more difficult areas of the exam.
• Proper outlining and analyzing skills are taught, ensuring that you can complete your MPT with enough time for a review of your work.
• We will walk you through, step by step, an actual MPT and discuss strategies for time management, outlining, analyzing both the File and the Library, among other techniques.
• Having a strong command of the substantive law is critical. A series of well drafted outlines will be provided to you covering all subjects. Long, short, and "mini" condensed outlines will be submitted.
• Toward the end of our work together, we ensure that all remaining topic areas not yet memorized are gone over with you ensuring that you enter the exam room with the utmost confidence in your knowledge of the substantive law.
• We will be providing you with myriad tips and techniques designed to tackle the procedural aspects of the exam.